Flu Clinics

As a reminder, all appointments will first be conducted over the phone with your family doctor and if an in-person visit is deemed necessary, you will be invited to come into the office. Masks are mandatory at all times while in the office and you must call from your car when you arrive, please do not enter without calling first.

For information about COVID-19 please visit www.ontario.ca/coronavirus. You will be able to find a link to a self-assessment tool, help with locating a testing centre, and if you’ve been tested you can look up your results. They also have lots of helpful information on keeping yourself healthy and how to self-isolate if you are required to do so. 

If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, go to a COVID-19 assessment centre to get tested and then remain at home and self-isolate. If you test positive for COVID-19, public health will do contact tracing and help guide you on return to school or work, but you must remain in self-isolation until it has been 14 days from the onset of your symptoms AND you are symptom free for 24 hours. If you test negative for COVID-19, you must remain in self-isolation until you are symptom-free for 24 hours. 

Notes to allow you to return to work or school are NOT required. Return to your daily activities is to be guided by the public health guidelines as outlined above and therefore notes will not be provided. 

As we approach this years flu season, it is important to discuss flu vaccination. The flu vaccine will be available in the coming weeks. Patients of Dr Archibald and Dr Priestner should keep an eye on this website for further information about our drive-in flu clinics we have begun to plan. Our clinics will begin in the end of October and you will need to pre-book appointments. We have not finalized dates yet but will make these dates known when they are available. Consent for the immunization will be done over the phone, you will have to virtually check-in when you arrive and you MUST remain in your vehicle at all times, including for 15 minutes after you have received your injection. As always, pharmacies are offering flu shots so you are also able to receive the flu vaccine at your local pharmacy.

Please check the website regularly for any further announcements about COVID-19, Flu Clinics, and any other information about our office. 

We hope you are all keeping healthy,

Dr S Archibald & Dr A Priestner


Office Reopening - Oct 9 2020


Office Closure - Oct 1 2020