Office Update - Aug 1 2020

We hope everyone is staying healthy as things start to open up again. Please keep in mind that the pandemic is not yet over and we still need to remain diligent about hand hygiene, wearing masks, and maintaining appropriate social distance from others.

We are now settled into our new office at 29 Plains Rd West (also the location of the After Hours Clinic) and we wanted to let our patients know a few updates. As per the recommendations from our colleges, in person appointments are being limited. For most issues we will first have an appointment over the telephone to determine if it is necessary to bring you into the office for an in person physical appointment. Please be aware that newborn care, well child visits with immunizations, pap smear follow ups, cancer screening, and many other important issues are still ongoing in person. Please do not delay scheduling appointments for such issues. If you are uncertain, please call and we can advise you whether or not an appointment should be virtual vs. in person.

At this time we are not doing any walk in appointments, if you need to be seen during regular hours or during the after hours clinic, please call the office at 905-681-9200. Please be advised as we are doing consent for virtual care and screening over the phone that our phone lines are busier and you may be required to wait on hold for longer than we would like.

If you are asked to come into the office please be advised of the following:

1.     You MUST call from your car when you arrive in the parking lot. We will be performing screening over the phone prior to bring you into the office. When there is a room ready for you we will call you back and ask you to enter the building

2.     If you are 18 years or older, you are to come alone to your appointment unless otherwise advised by your physician.

3.     Masks are MANDATORY unless you are a child under the age of 10 or have discussed with your physician that due to underlying medical conditions you are not required to wear one.

4.     When you enter the building, you must use hand sanitizer provided. You will have your temperature taken.

We are delighted to welcome Dr Natalie Ramsay as our FHO Locum. She will working regularly at the office and in the after hours clinic.

Thank you for understanding and helping to keep everyone healthy during this time. As always your health is our first priority.


Dr S Archibald and Dr A Priestner


Office Closure - Oct 1 2020


Moving Announcement & Annual Patient Letter